How to Install HestiaCP on Ubuntu Server (Linux)


Hestia Control Panel (HestiaCP) is a free, open-source web hosting control panel that simplifies the management of web servers. In this guide, you'll learn how to install HestiaCP on an Ubuntu Server.

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Your System

First, update your package list and upgrade your system packages to the latest versions:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 2: Download HestiaCP Installation Script

Download the HestiaCP installation script from the official website:


Step 3: Run the Installation Script

Make the downloaded script executable and run it:

chmod +x
sudo ./

You will be prompted to confirm the installation and provide an email address for administrative notifications. You can also choose the services you want to install with HestiaCP.

Step 4: Complete the Installation

The installation script will automatically install all necessary packages and configure HestiaCP. This process may take several minutes.

After the installation is complete, you will receive information on how to access HestiaCP, including the admin username, password, and URL.

Step 5: Access HestiaCP

Open your web browser and navigate to the HestiaCP login URL provided in the installation output. It will typically be:


Replace your-server-ip with your server's IP address. Log in with the admin username and password provided during the installation.

Step 6: Configure HestiaCP

Once logged in, you can start configuring your server using HestiaCP's web interface. Set up your domains, email accounts, databases, and other services as needed.


Installing HestiaCP on Ubuntu Server is a straightforward process that can greatly simplify server management tasks. With HestiaCP, you can easily manage websites, email accounts, databases, and more through a user-friendly web interface. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, refer to the HestiaCP documentation or seek help from the HestiaCP community.


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